What Sagittarius needs
A true friend who can keep pace with the discerning Archer while not making any serious demands is the ideal partner for a Sagittarian. These independent souls also appreciate a lover who understands and embraces the value of time spent alone. Mental stimulation can be as exciting as the sexual kind for Sagittarians, and if conversation is honest and open, things will continue to develop and grow. An equal in the bedroom is also a delicious reward. Foreigners, or anyone fairly exotic, are often an irresistible lure for the Archer. The Sagittarius lover is a philosopher, wanderer and explorer who insists on living life to the fullest. The taste for adventure and quest for knowledge they possess will tempt many. Only independent people need apply for this spicy ride!
Romantic sun sign profile: Sagittarius
Sagittarius in love
What Sagittarius needs
Sagittarius in relationships
Sagittarius in romance
Sagittarius and sex
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