Sagittarius in love
Love is wonderful for many, but it's a bit of an enigma for the Archer. What, after all, is love? To libidinous Sagittarians, love can be sex, plain and simple. Generally though, these people want a partner who is a mental and physical equal, someone who understands 'love' on their terms. This means mutual independence and an ability for each partner to do, and be, exactly what they want. Love can be difficult for the Archer, since a fear of intimacy often swirls around them. For this reason, friendship first is often the best way to encourage a love relationship with a Sagittarian. If this can be achieved, the result is splendour between the sheets.
Romantic sun sign profile: Sagittarius
Sagittarius in love
What Sagittarius needs
Sagittarius in relationships
Sagittarius in romance
Sagittarius and sex
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