What Taurus needs
The Bull craves someone who is strong and practical, qualities they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts also wins, since Taurus is responsive to both material goods and sincere, heartfelt compliments. Making Taurus feel safe is a good strategy for their lover, for this approach will bring out the Bull's most sensual self. Think of the Bull as a rose waiting to be picked - the lucky one will inhale the most intoxicating perfume. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as irresistible aphrodisiacs for those born under this Sign.
The Taurus lover is dependable and considerate, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and share it with that special someone. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.
Romantic sun sign profile: Taurus
Taurus in love
What Taurus needs
Taurus in relationships
Taurus in romance
Taurus and sex
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