Pisces in romance
Whoever coined the phrase 'dream lover' must have been dreaming of Pisces. These people often have their heads in the clouds, playing with this fantasy or that. If the truth be told, could there be a better forum for romance? Once back to Earth, the shy Fish will pursue affairs of the heart slowly, carefully and prettily, their aesthetic sensibilities as finely tuned as those of any Sign of the Zodiac. The magical mystery tour of romance with Pisces can be most unpredictable, with hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the next. Either way, they will definitely serve their lover, for this is something that brings them great joy. It's a seductive dance of love for the Fish - there's hardly anything else they'd rather be doing.
Romantic sun sign profile: Pisces
Pisces in love
What Pisces needs
Pisces in relationships
Pisces in romance
Pisces and sex
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