Aquarius in romance
Sociable Aquarius rules the House of Friends, which means that many a courtship will begin in a group setting. Once the Water Bearer locates a target, though, a quirky and exciting romance is likely to ensue. Mental gymnastics are only half the fun, since the Aquarian mind also has a great facility for creative and imaginative play. A visit to a children's museum with the idea of improving already perfectly good exhibits is entirely plausible, and something which the Water Bearer can make very seductive. It is safe to say that a partner who appreciates the unexpected is the best bet for Aquarius. Since the Water Bearer will keep some secrets just that, a lover who can gently draw them out will create a romance dance that goes on and on and on.
Romantic sun sign profile: Aquarius
Aquarius in love
What Aquarius needs
Aquarius in relationships
Aquarius in romance
Aquarius and sex
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