Virgo in love
A Virgo in love has a tendency to analyse the situation and explore it deeply. The Virgin is steady, solid and far from a flirt. Virgos are much more the true romantic; they love giving as well as receiving passion and uninhibited joy. Virgos really know how to make their partner feel special, so some heat between the sheets is likely to occur! It's one lover at a time for the loyal Virgo, who reveres a relationship blessed with total honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes those born under this Sign ideal lovers themselves. A Virgo in love is a sight to behold, a relaxed and confident soul.
Romantic sun sign profile: Virgo
Virgo in love
What Virgo needs
Virgo in relationships
Virgo in romance
Virgo and sex
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