Romantic sun sign profile: Taurus
The Bull, as befits an Earth Sign, is a grounded and devoted sort, but that should not be construed as boring. Remember that Bulls can charge! Taurus generally wants a harmonious and beautiful relationship, fond as they are of pretty things. Whether it's a sweet serenade or silky sheets, Taurus loves anything luxurious as well as anyone who can bring that aspect into their lives. Does this make the Bull all style and no substance? Not really, since Taureans are sentimental, romantic and possessed of a dogged determination that virtually assures that they will get what they want. Keeping the Bull feeling good is the best guarantee of a considerate lover, one who will work hard on a relationship filled with sensual pleasures.
Romantic sun sign profile: Taurus
Taurus in love
What Taurus needs
Taurus in relationships
Taurus in romance
Taurus and sex
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