Leo and sex
As befits a Fire Sign, white heat and ardour emanate from the Lion - in the right circumstances. The Lion wants action first and foremost, and if the moves are being made on them, all the better. When one makes slow, steady love to a Leo, one can flatter them into a state of ecstasy. This kind of approach will help create a Lion who is a very confident lover. Leos are utterly aroused when a partner revels in their beauty and aura and tells them just how wonderful it is. As their gracious gift, the Lion will show their partner just how much that compliment meant! The Lion loves seduction and foreplay - and a well-placed mirror or two would also be nice, since that flowing mane and catlike quality are begging to be watched.
Romantic sun sign profile: Leo
Leo in love
What Leo needs
Leo in relationships
Leo in romance
Leo and sex
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