What Gemini needs
Someone who can keep up and keep smiling in the face of a multiple onslaught is priceless to the hyperactive Twins. It is an added plus if that person is smart, fun, a good friend and a great sport. Geminis need someone who can be attentive to them and who will naturally enjoy their sparkle and wit. They also prefer a strong partner who isn't necessarily as smart as they are but who can pick them up emotionally, when necessary. If the Twins can make a marvellous mental match, life will be a dream.
The Gemini lover is easygoing and caring, yet daring and a ball of fire at the right moments. Mental fireworks are high on their agenda - their own fireworks as well as those they can make with another. Only the brave and adventurous need apply for this celestial light show!
Romantic sun sign profile: Gemini
Gemini in love
What Gemini needs
Gemini in relationships
Gemini in romance
Gemini and sex
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