20 February - 20 March 20
Pisces is the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the final Sign in the Zodiacal cycle. Hence, this Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven Signs that have come before it. Pisceans, however, are happiest keeping many of these qualities under wraps. These people are selfless, spiritual and very focused on their inner journey. They also place great weight on what they are feeling. Emotions define Pisceans, and it's not uncommon for them to feel their own burdens (and joys) as well as those of others. The intuition of the Pisces-born is highly-evolved. Many people associate Pisceans with dreams and secrets, and it's a fair association, since those born under this Sign feel comfortable in an illusory world.
Pisceans are represented by a pair of fish, a symbol that makes them seem to 'go with the flow' and not 'make waves'. Both of these labels are true, since Pisceans are fluid and easygoing, in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. The fact that two fish (as opposed to one) represent this Sign also signifies the duality of Pisceans, their yin and yang sensibility. Pisceans skip between reality and non-reality, in keeping with their introspective natures. Their voyage between consciousness and an unconscious dream state says much about their intuitive, almost psychic natures. For this reason, Pisceans can be hard to pin down, prompting some to call them the chameleons of the Zodiac.
The Fish are happy to be considered hazy, since there's a certain sense of safety in their own little netherworld. That said, they won't stay away for long, since one of their primary goals is to help others. Pisceans are compassionate, charitable and will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. It's this kind of self-sacrifice that keeps Pisceans going. The flip side to their giving natures? The oft-timid Fish are likely to be taken advantage of by less well-meaning souls.
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