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Horoscopes » Sun Sign Profiles


23 December - 20 January

Capricorn, the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about hard work. Those born under this Sign are more than happy to put in a full day at the office, realising that it takes a lot of those days to reach the top. That's no problem, since Capricorns are both ambitious and determined - they will get there. Life is one big project for these people, and they adapt to this by adopting a businesslike approach to everything they do. Capricorns are practical, taking things one-step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible. The Capricorn-born are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness.

The Goat is the Capricorn symbol, and an apt mascot for these people. Goats love to climb to the top of the mountain, where the air is clear and fresh. In much the same way, Capricorns want to get to the top of their chosen field so that they can reap the benefits of success; namely fame, prestige and money. Getting to the top is not always easy, however, so it's likely that Goats will ruffle a few feathers along the way. Capricorns can indeed be domineering, even egotistical, on their route to the top. They'll tell you it's part of being a leader with bright new ideas (in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this Sign).

Capricorns are industrious, efficient, organised and won't make a lot of waves. They are scrupulous with details and adopt a rather conventional posture in business and in life. These people prefer to play it safe, since this is the least risky route to the top, even if it takes a while.

Thankfully, Capricorns are also patient, and are happy to wait for their ship to come in. The flip side to this staid behaviour is that Goats can become quite unforgiving of those who aren't as diligent or ambitious as themselves. Capricorns need to remember that they do need allies along the way, ambitious or otherwise. In any case, once Capricorns receive the recognition and social status they so fervently crave, it's likely that all will be forgiven.

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