All about Meryl Streep
Star sign: Cancer
Birth details: June 22, 1949
Born under a Cancer Sun, Streep is family-oriented and enjoys spending time with her husband and children. Like most Cancerians, the actress is emotional, sometimes moody and always loyal to those she loves. However, since her Sun is exactly Conjunct Uranus in the Eleventh House, Streep has a bit of the rebel in her. She may look like the suburban housewife, but there's a lot more than that going on underneath. Movies may well be the release that Streep needs. She may even create a new paradigm for the family unit, since she clearly marches to the beat of a different drummer.
With her Moon in Taurus, Streep feels best when in love; she needs lots of reassurance and affection from her sweetheart to keep her straight, but is perfectly willing to give lots of the same in return. Her emotions are true, deep and simple; she knows what she wants and simply goes about getting it. Since her Moon is in the Tenth House, social status is important to her. She feels best when her career is a success and there's plenty of money in the bank.
Due to her Leo Rising, Streep looks every bit the star to her public. It's her Communication Planet, Mercury, in witty, intellectual Gemini that ensures that Streep is glib with her speech. She's smart, quick, and talks a good game; she learns her lines in no time flat. Gemini's influence ensures that Streep is a good mimic, explaining her facility with those myriad accents.
Her Mars in Gemini also indicates that Streep chooses to think before she feels. Her successes are due more to clever strategy than to emotional appeal. If her successes to date are any indication, it's a strategy well worth its price!
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